Intervention Programs

The Fund supports group treatment programs for different affected populations, focusing on three main target audiences:

תוכניות נגרייה
With you For a better tomorrow

Our work with diverse affected demographics:

Our work with diverse affected demographics:

Support for Cities, Regional Councils, and Localities

The Fund assists dozens of communities in the Gaza Envelope to provide group therapy solutions for their residents. Among the activities that take place in these frameworks: process group therapy for bereaved families, animal therapy for trauma-affected children, phototherapy workshops, resilience-building sessions for the elderly, retreats for young people, and more.

Support for Specific Populations and Groups

The Fund assists various populations and groups who were directly affected on October 7th by developing, making accessible, and funding rehabilitative and therapeutic group interventions for them. The Fund works with the families of hostages and returned hostages, survivors of the music festivals and their families, the Bedouin and Druze communities, and more.

Support for Initiatives and Organizations

The Fund supports initiatives and organizations throughout Israel that promote rehabilitation and therapeutic interventions. Our partners include healing and treatment spaces for music festival survivors, therapeutic farms, surfing programs such as ‘Bait Al Hayam’ (House on the Sea) and ‘HaGal Sheli’ (My Wave), and more.

פעילות לילדים עם חיות
With you For a better tomorrow

three main target audiences

Many teens are at a high-risk level, while many experienced forced displacements to hotels/other localities. Recent data indicates a significant increase in high-risk behaviors that include covert and hidden dropout from educational systems.
Young Adults
Young adults aged 18-30 are in mid stage between independence and financial/personal dependence on their families. Many of them, unlike teens, do not have organizational support systems that can provide resilience-building support in times of crisis.
Seniors who were evacuated from their homes face displacement, alongside feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. The loss of relatives and friends and the need to relocate to temporary housing results in enormous difficulties at a time in their lives that should have been peaceful and rewarding.

Overview of the Fund’s Program Portfolio

נתוני הקרן מה- 7/10/23
in support provided since October 7
Emergency Grant
Rehabilitation Grant
Participating in Camps
Beneficiaries in
Intervention Programs

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